Building & Construction
Australian Constructors Association

ACA welcomes National Construction Industry Forum reset

Australian Constructors Association

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Fair for all graphic - industry stakeholders

The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) welcomes the reconvening of the National Construction Industry Forum (NCIF) and the inclusion of association peers including Master Builders Australia and the Civil Contractors Federation.

Jon Davies, CEO of the ACA and a founding member of the NCIF, said this is a unique opportunity to reshape the construction industry for the better.

“By bringing government, industry and unions together through the NCIF, we have an opportunity to build an industry that welcomes all and is fair for all,” said Mr Davies.

“For too long, these relationships have been strained, with each party trying to gain the upper hand. This has led to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for all stakeholders. But it doesn’t have to be this way.”

“Each group—government, industry and unions—has clear goals. Workers want safe, well-paying jobs with good working conditions. The government wants value for money and projects that run on time and within budget. The industry seeks fair profit margins to reinvest in innovation and growth.

“These goals often seem to be at odds, but they don’t have to be. By rethinking how these stakeholders work together, we can turn a zero-sum game into a win-win for everyone. Safe jobs, efficient projects and fair profits can and should coexist.”

The reconvened NCIF is a solid platform to align these goals and focus on shared outcomes, ensuring that everyone benefits. The ACA looks forward to playing an active role in the forum when it reconvenes in October.

About us:

The Australian Constructors Association is the only representative body for contractors delivering vertical and horizontal construction projects, as well as undertaking infrastructure asset management. Our members construct and service the majority of major infrastructure projects built in Australia every year. Our goal is to create a more sustainable construction industry.

Contact details:

Megan Anderson, Head of Media and Communications

ph: 0475 978 478 / e: 


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Fair for all graphic - industry stakeholders

NCIF_reset media release.pdf
