Emily Harper from Bawdee

Bawdee: Putting Self Love Front and Centre

Bawdee Australia

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Bawdee, a new sexual wellness brand founded by Emily Harper, is setting out to disrupt the industry and reshape the conversation around female pleasure and sexuality. Emily wants to empower women to prioritise their pleasure, health, and confidence, and aims to break down the long-standing societal taboos surrounding female sexuality.

Emily believes the time is ripe for change. "We’re challenging the male-centric focus around sex and women's pleasure," she said. "I want to redefine what it means to take pleasure seriously. It’s not about chasing an orgasm or meeting a standard set by someone else. It’s about empowering women to reclaim their bodies, explore their desires, and embrace their sexuality."

Despite advances in recent decades, female pleasure remains a taboo topic that makes many uncomfortable. Emily wants to change that. "We had to fight against the thinking that women’s bodies are for someone else’s enjoyment.  Pleasure should be a fundamental part of health and well-being.  We need to have these conversations openly, without stigma," she said.

Emily’s personal journey played a significant role in the creation of Bawdee. “I felt disconnected from myself after having my son. Like many new mothers, I noticed that my relationship with my body—and especially my enjoyment of sex—had completely changed,” she said. “But what struck me most was that it wasn’t just about the physical changes. There was something deeper happening. I realised this wasn’t just about me, but something bigger—a societal issue around female pleasure and sexuality that no one was talking about. That’s when I started diving into research, not only to rediscover my own sense of pleasure, but also to understand the barriers women face in embracing their sexual wellness. Bawdee was born.”

Now, Emily speaks openly about sexual wellness with her friends, but acknowledges this wasn’t always the case. "When I was younger, in my teens and 20s, I was too embarrassed to talk about it. I was heavily influenced by beliefs that caused me to have negative sexual experiences in which I wasn’t fully consenting or enjoying the sex I was having. With a lack of education around my own anatomy and pleasure, I was lost and it impacted my desire, libido, confidence, and relationships.”

Emily believes female pleasure shouldn’t be an afterthought. “In the sexual wellness industry, disruption is a must, because the way we’ve approached female pleasure has been wrong for so long. But disruption also has to come with responsibility. It’s not enough to just disrupt; you have to offer real solutions that make a positive impact. It’s not just about changing the conversation around sex, it’s about giving women the tools to explore their bodies and feel empowered.”

The sexual wellness space has seen a surge in female-founded brands in recent years, with women taking the lead in addressing their own needs and desires. Emily is part of this movement, driving a shift in how we view women's pleasure.

About us: - The Self Love Club

Contact details:

Annette Densham




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