Government- Federal

Committee reviews intelligence agencies' use of AI and consultants

Parliament of Australia

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) has presented its annual review of the administration and expenditure of six Australian intelligence agencies for the 2022-23 financial year. The review found that amidst a changing strategic environment, Australia’s intelligence agencies continue to work effectively and responsibly to protect Australia’s national security.

‘The Committee is satisfied that the agencies are administering outcomes and outputs effectively, and managing expenditure appropriately to achieve value-for-money outcomes for the Australian taxpayer,’ said Committee Chair, Senator Raff Ciccone.

The Committee reported on a number of focus areas in its 2022-23 review including artificial intelligence and machine learning, staff recruitment and support, and the use of external contractors.

Senator Ciccone said, ‘The agencies provided detailed and useful information in relation to artificial intelligence and machine learning, reassuring the Committee that they are carefully thinking about and planning for the appropriate use of these complex technological tools.'

Senator Ciccone further stated that ‘the Committee is pleased with the level of use of contractors by the intelligence agencies and encourages agencies to continue their endeavours and their transparency in this regard. The Committee supported efforts by some agencies to review and rationalise their use of external consultants.'

The Committee’s review covers the administration and expenditure in the 2022-23 financial year of six of the ten agencies that form Australia’s National Intelligence Community: the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS), the Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation (AGO), the Defence Intelligence Organisation (DIO), the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) and the Office of National Intelligence (ONI).

The Committee’s report can be found on its webpage here: Review of Administration and Expenditure No. 22 (2022–23) – Australian Intelligence Agencies – Parliament of Australia.

Media enquiries

PJCIS Chair Senator Raff Ciccone, via Giulio Di Giorgio
0422 622 760

For background information

Committee Secretariat, Parliamentary Joint Committee on intelligence and Security
(02) 6277 2360

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