Oil, Mining & Resources

Media Alert: 27th Memorial Day Service to pay respects to lives lost to coal mining

Mining and Energy Union

The Mining and Energy Union Northern Mining & NSW Energy District will hold its 27th Annual Memorial Day Service to pay respects to lives lost to coal mining this Sunday 8 September. 

The service is held as an acknowledgement to the almost 1,800 men, women and boys who have lost their lives in the Northern District Coalfields.

MEU Northern Mining & NSW Energy District President Robin Williams said Memorial Day is an opportunity for unionists, mineworkers, bereaved families and all members of the community to come together and reflect on the important role mining plays in the District and the enormous cost paid over many years in workers’ death and injury.

Guest of Honour and Keynote Speaker Courtney Houssos MLC, Minister for Natural Resources will deliver the address.  


10.30am, Sunday 8 September 2024
Federation House 
Mining and Energy Union - Northern Mining and NSW Energy District
67a Aberdare Road, Aberdare.

The public are welcome to attend.

Contact details:

Monique Blasiak (0430 515 162)