Education & Training
ITECA Media Release

Senators To Hear How Government Reforms Will Kill International Education Jobs

Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA)

Advice that the Senate has decided to accept further submissions on the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024 has been welcomed by the Independent Tertiary Education Council Australia (ITECA), the peak body representing independent skills training, higher education, and international education sectors.

Just as the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee was holding hearings on the Bill, the Australian Department of Employment and Workplace Relations advised independent Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) of their indicative caps for 2025. This meant that senators couldn’t consider the impacts on high-quality RTOs, including job losses.

“This bill is an attack on independent skills training and higher education providers that deliver quality outcomes for students.  It’s important that Senators hear directly from providers about the sad outcomes of what’s planned, including job losses” said Troy Williams, ITECA Chief Executive.

ITECA has previously advised that the Bill's provisions allowing the Australian Government to impose caps on the number of international students who can come to Australia in 2025 and beyond will destroy jobs.

“ITECA welcomes the extension of the Senator inquiry that will allow our members to tell their stories of the devastation and job losses of the Australian Government’s proposed reforms to international education will bring,” Mr Williams said.

It is expected that ITECA members in the nursing, aged care and aviation sectors will be amongst those to tender a submission to the inquiry.

“Over the past week, ITECA has met with key Senators and pushed for the extension of this inquiry, so this is a great win for our members,” Mr Williams said.


Troy Williams - High Res Photo
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Contact details:

Troy Williams - ITECA Chief Executive
m: 0400 599 934


N4.13.1 - Media Release, Senators To Hear How Government Reforms Will Kill International Education Jobs (19 September 2024).pdf
