
Thorpey rallies swimmers across Australia for Laps for Life 2025, calling on everyone to swim to save lives this March


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Today (1 March, 2025), Olympic gold medalist Ian Thorpe AM, is challenging everyone across Australia to dive into the water this March for Laps for Life. Kicking off today, the annual swimming fundraiser is held in support of youth mental health service ReachOut.


Laps for Life participants set their own swimming and fundraising goals and swim throughout the month of March at the times and locations that suit them. Participants can sign up as individuals, or as part of a team.


In the seventh year of the event, participants are set to swim laps at their local pools, flock to the beaches, take part in ocean swims and come up with a host of other creative ways to hit their lap targets in the water no matter where they live, their age or their ability.


Laps for Life participants are swimming to save lives in support of youth mental health service ReachOut - the leading online mental health service in Australia supporting young people during tough times. The service helps young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they’re facing.


As one of Australia’s greatest ever Olympians, Thorpey, says that teamwork is at the heart of Laps for Life and suicide prevention.


“Every day, a young person in Australia loses their life to suicide. We need to work together as communities and support one another to help change these figures - Laps for Life is just one way we can all play our part. So, I’m calling on everyone across the country to take part in Laps for Life and to swim to save lives by raising awareness and funds this March.


“As an athlete, I know firsthand that each of us can achieve incredible feats when we’re in a team striving for a shared goal. Swimming doesn’t have to be a solo sport - when you take part in Laps for Life you become part of a community of thousands of swimmers across the country who all connect in different ways, be it through your local swim club, by striking up a conversation with someone at work or school about swimming or by becoming part of the Laps for Life Facebook community,” he said.


CEO of ReachOut, Gary Groves, said that the Laps for Life community is inspiring.


“It's remarkable to see how people dive into the water each year to support young people’s mental health and suicide prevention through Laps for Life. The strong sense of community, motivation and passion across Australia for Laps for Life grows each year.


“Approximately 75 per cent of mental health problems occur before the age of 25 and suicide remains the leading cause of death for young people in Australia. This is the reason why every dollar raised for Laps for Life is so important. Every dollar that you raise, and every person that you share your Laps for Life journey with, helps us get that much closer to our goal of better mental health and wellbeing for all young people,” he said.


Laps for Life is open to everyone across Australia, to register visit


Stay connected by following Laps for Life on socials, visit @LapsForLife.Aus on Facebook and Instagram. #LapsforLife #LapsForLife2025 #SwimtoSaveLives.


For more information about ReachOut, visit ReachOut



Media contact

Tessa Anderssen / 0411 708 587 / 

Key Facts:

Key Statistic

  • In 2024 10,500 individuals across Australia participated in the challenge and together, they swam 98,828 kms and raised $3.4M for ReachOut’s work to support young people’s mental health.


Safe reporting 

Mindframe guidelines 


About us:

About ReachOut

ReachOut is the leading online mental health service in Australia supporting young people during tough times.

ReachOut helps young people feel better about today and the future, no matter what challenge they’re facing. They provide a safe place where young people can openly express themselves, explore what’s happening in their lives, connect with people who understand their situation, and find the resources to help them manage their challenges now and in the future.

Anonymous, free and 100% online, ReachOut has been designed specifically for – and with – young people. From one-to-one support from experienced peer workers, to online forums, as well as tips, stories and resources, ReachOut offers a wide range of support options that allow young people to engage in the ways they want to, when they want to, and has been doing so for more than 20 years.

Contact details:

Tessa Anderssen / 0411 708 587 /